Help! I Hate The Sound Of My Voice
You've recorded your podcast. You're about to get on with editing it. You press play and WOAH!!! Hang on, that's not your voice is it?
Yes. Yes it is. It does sound different. It does sound a bit higher pitched than you were thinking it would right? But I promise you it doesn't sound terrible.
Science tells me we hear our voices differently to others because we get added bone conduction to hear ourselves talk. (It's not just for posh headphones!). If you want to know more about why we react so badly to the sound of our own voices you should listen to this very good TED Talk by Rébecca Kleinberger. You can listen to her here
This episode though focusses on what you can do to get over not being comfortable with the sound of your voice.
I've been there, but 20 years later I'm absolutely fine with listening to myself. Yes there are moments where I cringe - but that's more often than not because I've performed badly, rather than simply being uncomfortable with my voice.
My top tips include
- Stop writing lists and Post It note ideas. Record them instead. You'll have to get used to hearing your voice.
- Wear headphones when recording. It sounds more like what others hear.
- Slow down - a slower pace tends lowers the tone of your voice.
- Don't take up smoking as I was once (jokingly) advised to do!
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