Episode 72

Published on:

2nd Jul 2021

Things Are Changing

This week it's a bit different as Charlotte has an announcement to make about the podcast.

She's changing the day it comes out on.

So this is your last Friday edition of Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice!

In this episode Charlotte explains why she's doing this and when you can hear the next episode. (Spoiler - you don't have very long to wait...)

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Charlotte Foster

Hello, welcome to this week's episode of Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice. I hope you are well. I have been taking some of my own advice and I've come outside to record this episode of the podcast today. So I'm not in my usual recording spot. I'm not hiding under a blanket somewhere. I'm not in a studio somewhere. I'm not in my office at all. I am in my back garden. And that means I've got the most beautiful view of the Welsh Hills in front of me or some hills in Wales. That means they're Welsh Hills and some lovely Shropshire skyline around me. So yeah, it's absolutely beautiful. And I thought, do you know what? I just need to have a bit of a change for doing this. I mentioned in the podcast last week, I said didn't I? If you want to keep up that summer mojo change your environment because a change is as good as the rest.

And it's kind of what I need. I need a rest because I am tired. Yeah, absolutely tired. And actually I'm doing a bit more than just changing where I'm recording the podcast. And that's what this episode is about. Cause you'll be used to me releasing the episodes on a Friday. You'll also be used to me releasing the episodes on a Friday at all kinds of hours on the Friday when it should be there when you wake up. And there's lots of reasons for this, none of which are very good. In fact, they're all terrible, terrible reasons, but the house move, which I know I've told you a lot about has just made me think a little bit harder and a little bit, get some clarification, get some clarity on what I do, how I do it, where I do it, that sort of thing. And it dawned on me that having the podcast come out on a Friday is just not working for me.

It's not working for me at all because what happens is for terrible reasons, I just don't get it done on time. And that means I literally just go, "right the podcast is done, that's it. I can't be bothered to do anything else. So I don't talk to you about the podcast being out in any other platform apart from the podcast. So unless you know, the podcast exists and you are a subscriber, that's the only way you hear about the podcast. It just turns up in your, in your phone cause you subscribed. No one else comes across it because I've not talked about it enough. And if you've seen my social media this week, you will know that I put a post out on Wednesday with my favorite podcast joke. I say my favorite podcast joke it's the only podcast joke I know. And I claim I've made it up, but all I've done is just rewritten a joke that's been going around for ages because the joke is "how do you know someone has a podcast? Don't worry. They'll tell you first." Yeah. My dreams of being a stand-up are dashing away from me as I talk I know, but the truth is, if you don't tell people you've got a podcast,

Then why are you doing it? You're just talking to yourself. And that is being reflected in my numbers because they're not, they're not as good as they should be. It's as easy as that. And I'm being completely honest with you here, because I think you deserve that. And I deserve that. And it's what I would tell any other client, why aren't you doing this? What are you doing? Why aren't you telling people about your podcast? No, your numbers. Aren't going to go up, if all you're doing is recording a podcast, putting it out there and then expecting the world to find it. That is not how it works. So I have got to stop doing that. And I've been looking at my week how my week works, how it, how it goes. And I've decided that actually the best way for me to get the most out of this podcast, because it's not just a podcast, it should be filling the rest of my content, the rest of my social media, my blog posts, all of that.

And it does, but it doesn't always, and the reason it doesn't always is because I leave it so late because I'm doing everything else in the week, terrible, excuse. It's not even an excuse. It's just awful. It's just making up excuses. And I hate that. Anyway, it happens every single week that the podcast gets left to the bottom of the list. And I've tried so many times to change it around and it just doesn't happen for whatever reason. So actually, if that's not changing, maybe I need to change something else. So from this week, you're going to get the podcast on a Monday. Yes you are. So today's podcast episode is just a short one to tell you what's happening and why. And then from next week, Monday, the 5th of July, you are going to get the full episode. So you're not missing out, you're getting a bonus, in fact, so no one's losing out on anything.

You're getting a bonus. But what you're also going to get from me is more content around the podcast. You're going to get more from me. So hopefully I am doing what I say as well as saying what I say, I need to start walking the walk. That's it. I was gonna say walking the talk. Yeah. I need to walk the talk as well as talk the talk. I need to actually do what I tell my clients to do because otherwise I wouldn't believe in me if I was coming to me right now as a podcast coach. And they were like, Charlotte, I want to learn about podcasting. I want to do a podcast. I'd be like, yeah, yeah, this is what you do. So is that what you do, Charlotte?


And I can make all the BS excuses I want to. That are, you know, I'm too busy working on clients or I'm too busy with the house move or I've just, just had too much else on, I've been dealing with clients. I've been dealing with the accounts I've been doing... BS, utter, utter BS. Yes. So that's it game over for, for this, for this, this, this, this Charlotte and this kind of attitude because it's not happening. So I have tried a few times to just do different, rework my week, but for whatever reason, reworking my week hasn't worked. So this is it. I am reworking when the podcast comes out so that it has more of an impact and works better for me. That's what it's got to do. Cause at the moment, my podcast is not working for me. And the last thing I want is to fall out of love with my podcast, because I love this baby.

I love podcasting. I love this little beauty as well. Uh, Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice. It's just so much fun. I've made so many connections through doing it. I have had so many experiences in doing it and I've learnt so much and I'm still learning so much from doing it that I don't want to, to give it up or do anything else. But at the moment it's becoming a burden and because it's becoming a burden a few times, it then gets in my mind, oh, it's just a burden. Oh gosh, I don't want it to, oh no. It's just there oh, heck podcast again. Oh, Ugh. There's a sock drawer that needs rearranging...No, it's never got to that point. My sock drawer is still an utter mess and I don't have pairs of socks paired up because life's too short for that.

But you know what I mean? It's just not worked for me for whatever reason. So change things up from Monday, the fifth July, you are going to be regularly getting your podcast from me. Your Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice episodes will come to you, they will be there when you wake up, assuming Apple doesn't change things like it has been doing a lot of changing things recently and ruining it for everybody. But it will be there when you wake up. Perfect yeah? It will set you up for your week ahead. That's the other thing with Friday, I was putting the new episodes out on a Friday, which was great, but it felt like...

Oh, it's a helicopter. I live really close to where there's helicopter training. This helicopter is quite far away. I think the other day, I could've seen the pilot eating his lunch when it came by.

Anyway, the reason that Friday hasn't really worked for me is because I was putting new content out on a Friday and then trying to get all my new social media stuff. My new blog posts out on a Friday. It just felt rushed. And I felt like I couldn't take it over from Friday to Monday to Tuesday. It's something about my brain. Yeah. That means that everything has to start on a Monday, the diet starts on a Monday. The podcast starts on a Monday. That's how it's going to be because who starts a diet on a Saturday? Nobody. Well, if you do fair play to you. So that's how I think it is. Monday, it just feels like a fresh topic each week to talk about, everyone feels energized on a Monday and it means I can just chuck out my podcast and chuck out all the stuff around it.

So I can tell people that this podcast exists because quite frankly I haven't. And if you don't tell people something exists, how are they going to find out about it? It really annoys me that I do this. I am just berating myself here now, just berating myself that I haven't done it before. So there you go. That's my big announcement. It's not a huge announcement, but it's an announcement. We'll go with that. So this is just tiny little 10 minutes of me ranting about podcasts and what I do and why I do it and why it's changing. And from Monday, the 5th of July, that is when you are going to get your weekly dose of Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice. So quite excitingly, you've only got a couple of days to wait till the next episode, which is a good one. Not going to tell you anything more apart from the fact that in Monday's episode, I am really, if you thought this was putting myself out there, quiet, I was going to say naked, but I am not naked in my garden.

If you thought this was putting myself out there, kind of baring my soul. I'm quite nervous about Monday's episode because I'm getting ready to do something I have never done before. And I want you to follow me on this journey of never doing this before. There you go. That's a hook and a tease for you hook and a tease. If you, you, you're going to want to listen to Monday's now. I hope you can find space for the podcast in your, in your life on a Monday. And the great thing about podcasts is actually, it doesn't really matter what day of the week it comes out because it's recorded isn't it? You can pick it up when you want to pick it up. I listen to people's podcasts, you know, sometimes on the day they come out or I save it, you know me?

Well, you know, I love running. Love, hate running. I save up people's podcasts to listen to on a run. You listen to the podcast when you want to listen to it, when you want to consume it, it's there ready and waiting for you. So actually don't feel as though, if you've always listened to the podcast on a Friday, you can listen to it on a Friday still. You're not missing out on anything by not listening to it on a Monday. It's a weekly podcast, listen to it when you want to. And most of the stuff we talk about, is pretty evergreen anyway. So there you go. You can listen to it...you don't have to listen to it on a Monday. I won't tell you off if you don't listen to it, I need you to listen to it, but listen to it as you will.

Thank you so much for, for listening to this, this little mini episode. I hope you found it enjoyable. And I hope you understand that actually it is okay to change things when it comes to your podcast if it's not working for you. Your podcast has to work for you. Otherwise it becomes the burden I've just talked about and you don't want to do it. And that's no good for anyone because your voice deserves to be heard.

I'll be back on Monday, the 5th of July, I'll see you then, but if can't wait that long. I mean, even if you can wait that long, but you still want to connect with me you can connect to me on LinkedIn. I am Charlotte Foster, podcast queen wearing a delightful, a mustard cardigan, sitting in front of a podcast, set up - microphone, headphones on standard and on Instagram, I am at Charlotte foster podcasts, which is where you'll also find me on Facebook, which I don't really do much and Twitter at CF podcasts. Look after yourself, have a great weekend.

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About the Podcast

Turn Up The Volume On Your Voice
Podcasting news, views, tips and tricks with Charlotte Foster
It's a podcast about podcasts!

This is the podcast for people who want to learn how to turn up the volume on their voice through their own podcast.

Charlotte Foster from Charlotte Foster Podcasts will take you on a journey in to the world of podcasts and podcasting.

Together you will discover new podcasts, find out the latest podcast tips, knowledge & gossip AND hear from podcasters like you who are passionate about their show.

This podcast is hosted by Captivate. Please see their listener privacy policy here https://www.captivate.fm/privacy-policy-for-listeners/

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